WATCH: A look into low carb versus high carb diets Transcript for A look into l…

WATCH: A look into low carb versus high carb diets Transcript for A look into low carb versus high carb diets ?????? Time for the download the perennial question what should we eat? Whats the best diet? Lots of people tnk low carb is the way to G others saying its the oosite. Joining us with new findings is Jen Ashton. Good morning. Good morning Dan. Ou have a degree in nutrition. Thats on top of your medical degree. Thats right. Tell us about the latest study. It was bad news for people like me. I follow a relatively low carb diet. It was a rather large study over 15000 people led out of Boston followed people for over 25 years. By questionnaire asked them what they were eating and tracked their life span actually their ri of death. We say in medicine all the time moderation is the results of ts study bore that out. It foundhat people who stick to a low carb diet people whote very high carb diets didnt live song. Were talking a one to four year differenceff the average. Boy this got my attention. It raises questions about Paleo and all the low carb diets. What amount of carbs in E sweet spot? Tt sweet spot is key. This study found it should be about 50% of our caloric intake. I havehis assortment of food. This looks healthy. It even iludes a glass of wine.e an average day of eating. This is actually low carb. You E sweet to meal bread bananas. This is low carb? Low car according to this plan its about 30% of your caloric intake. If youre eating 20alories a day you want to strive for about 250ish grams of carbs per Not all carb are created equal. No. Thats the key. Were not going to the fast food junk fd area here. You nt the fruits graand vegetables the R. The key is that people who tend to eat low carb are eating a lot animal protein. Thats not good for us either. Dan Im in double. Look great. Thank you. Moderation is the key. Dr. Ashton thank you very mu. This transcript has been automatically generated and may not be 100% accurate. August 18 2018 at 03:58PM

Source by amandamakayla7

